Tuesday, 1 November 2011


     A massive trend at the moment in women's fashion is auber-jeans! Basically its aubergine coloured denim which colour wise is an interpretation of purple to maroon and I for one want to jump on the band wagon and get these in my wardrobe and not my girlfriends!! I actually purchased a pair of slim fit jeans from H&M about 3 years ago in a colour that was swaying to the purple side more than maroon, but after the twenty eighth wise crack from my pals  (" Dan, the jokers called, he says he wants his trousers back!!") they were exiled! Not that I cave in to peer pressure because if i like something I'll wear it regardless of how much abuse or bad banter comes my way but admittedly they were too purple and a maroon pair I properly would've favoured and would no doubt still own! At the weekend I was actually eyeing a few styles out in a chino and corduroy fabric and the fashion geek I am I've been visualising some looks... Black roll neck and lace ups for winter, then white grandad collar shirt, Tods loafers and shades in the summer with a white v neck tee and blazer for in between seasons. Sorted then!

                             And just for the record I've always thought the joker dressed well..... haha!

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