Sunday, 1 January 2012

My vintage hunt is on!

 Seeing as we've just entered 2012 I've made a few objectives to get done this year. One of them being going on a vintage shopping trip in and around London trying to track down these targets. My first being some vintage rock t-shirts to add to my collection. I know a few years back we had the whole rolling stones emblem with diamante's all over it phase that most men smashed, but regardless I think rare, vintage rock t shirts are cool whether or not there in the fashion trend bible.
 The next target is a fairly bleached denim Levi jean jacket. I've owned a few in the past but for me the hunt is on to find one that has the right fit for me so I can button all the way up to the neck but not be too over sized. Awkward i know but I am determined to find one! Also for the last few years I've been looking for a maroon leather jacket that again fits to perfection.
            And like I mentioned previously I am still on the look out for the perfect flying jacket.

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